CEBIMário: Reef fish biogeography and macroecology: from Brazil to the global scale
- Quando:
- Qui, 20. Agosto 2020, 13:30 h - Qui, 20. Agosto 2020, 14:30 h
- Onde:
- Youtube
- Categoria:
- CEBIMários
- Campo extra de Evento 1:
- ""

Local: via Google Mee / Youtube link:
Palestrante: Sergio Floeter (UFSC)
Organizador: Juan Pablo Quimbayo (CEBIMar/USP)
Abstract: Ecology is all about scales. The biogeography and macroecology of reef fishes have advanced considerably in the last decade thanks to the assembly of large global datasets on species distributions, abundance, biomass, and fish behavior. In this talk, I will present a general overview of research results that emerged from international working groups focused primarily on these important players on coral reefs: fishes. I will also show the advances in knowledge (e.g. spatial patterns of fish standing biomass, connectivity, and conservation issues) along the Brazilian coast in the scope of the Brazilian Marine Biodiversity Network, as well as the Long-Term Ecological Research program at the Brazilian oceanic islands
Local de realização
- Locação:
- Youtube
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