CEBIMário: Utilisation of mangrove habitats by fish: impact of hypoxia in these extreme fluctuating environments
- Quando:
- Qui, 22. Outubro 2020, 13:30 h - Qui, 22. Outubro 2020, 14:30 h
- Onde:
- Youtube
- Categoria:
- CEBIMários
- Campo extra de Evento 1:
- ""

Local: YouTube, link:
Palestrante: Alexia Dubuc (Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Research ZMT)
Organizador: Juan Pablo Quimbayo (CEBIMar/USP)
Resumo: The overall value of mangrove forests has been linked to parameters such as geographical location, tidal range, setting, and connectivity to adjacent habitats. While these factors provide important information, this study also shows that the occurrence of hypoxia is a key driving factor for fish assemblages. Results demonstrate that the timing and association to mangrove habitats relate to species hypoxia tolerance, suggesting that higher hypoxia tolerance may provide species with a competitive advantage for space and resources in these highly fluctuating environments. The resulting selectivity for highly tolerant species could partly explain the low taxonomic richness recorded in some intertidal mangrove habitats.
Local de realização
- Locação:
- Youtube