CEBIMário: Seed-dispersal networks in human-modified landscapes and their potential to enhance conservation, restoration and food-security.
- Quando:
- Qui, 28. Janeiro 2021, 13:30 h - Qui, 28. Janeiro 2021, 14:30 h
- Onde:
- Youtube
- Categoria:
- CEBIMários
- Campo extra de Evento 1:
- ""

Local: Canal do CEBIMar no YouTube, link:
Palestrante: Carine Eme (Cemave/ICMbio)
Organizador: Juan Pablo Quimbayo (CEBIMar/USP)
Resumo: We are living in a rapidly changing world, facing the sixth mass extinction of millions of species. Yet, before species disappear, a much more silent extinction is going on – the extinction of ecological interactions, which are vital to maintain life balance on Earth. Among them, seed dispersal is crucial to recover degraded ecosystems and to maintain forest dynamics. I will present our findings from seed-dispersal networks at the local, regional and eco-evolutionary scales at the Atlantic Forest of Brazil. Then, I will discuss our findings as an integrative strategy to recover ecosystem functionality and enhance human well being via the services provided by bird seed-dispersers.
Local de realização
- Locação:
- Youtube