CEBIMário: Chaining production to diversity

Qui, 6. Mai 2021, 13:30 h - Qui, 6. Mai 2021, 14:30 h
Campo extra de Evento 1:
CEBIMário: Chaining production to diversity


Local: Canal do CEBIMar no YouTube, link:

Palestrante: Michel Kulbicki (IRD)

Organizador: Juan Pablo Quimbayo (CEBIMar/USP)

Resumo: The relationships between diversity, abundance (density), biomass and production are briefly analyzed, based upon data from south Pacific reef fish. Species richness on a specific reef is dependent on the richness at the island level which in turn is linked to the richness at the regional level. The distribution of species richness is not random, being driven by numerous large scale factors such as island size, isolation, evolutionary history. Species richness is highly linked to life-history trait diversity, a proxy of functional diversity. In turn life-history attributes, in particular species size, are linked to species richness. This determines strong correlations between richness and abundance which in turn is itself linked to biomass. Last, production, without accounting for mortality, is dependent on all the previous parameters. These relationships, despite their preliminary nature suggest that reef fish management should not follow universal rules, as each region, island and location drives to some extent the potential for biomass and production

Local de realização
