CEBIMario: Casting light on the productivity of tropical reefs and their fishes

Qui, 5. Mai 2022, 13:30 h - Qui, 5. Mai 2022, 14:30 h
Campo extra de Evento 1:
CEBIMario: Casting light on the productivity of tropical reefs and their fishes


Local: Canal do CEBIMar no YouTube, link:

Palestrante: Renato Morais (Université Paris Sciences et Lettres, França)

Organizador: Juan Pablo Quimbayo (CEBIMar/USP)

Resumo: Tropical reefs are highly productive ecosystems that occur in oligotrophic waters of the tropics. This truism, most often known as the ‘Darwin’s paradox’, has transcended niche coral reef ecological literature, reached popular media and is now common knowledge. Yet, the productivity of reef systems is neither paradoxical, nor has it been emphasised (or, actually, even mentioned!) by Charles Darwin. In this talk, I will present the historical context, some recent initiatives and future perspectives on my quest to cast light on some of the reasons why tropical reefs and their fishes are, indeed, exceptionally productive.

Local de realização
